Using old book pages or news print for art makes for a fun style and even be an inspiration for poetry.
-book pages or news print
-markers, paint, pencil, chalk pastel, etc.
1. Pick out a page from a book or news paper.
2. Find some words you like or make a poem! I circled the words lightly in pencil first. This one is starry night inspired.
Next make some circles in yellow pastel around the page.
3. Choose two shades of blue. Use one shade of blue and colour around the yellow circles. After, use the other blue to go around again. Blend it out with your finger. Keep a damp cloth or tissue beside you to wipe off your fingers to avoid muddy-ing up your colours.
4. Using a black pastel, circle around your words first to keep them from smudging. Fill in the rest of the page with black. Blend with your finger.
5. Add any last details and then you are done!
Here is another fun idea to do on book pages! This one is done with watercolour paint and ink.