Slap your favourite fall socks on, light that pumpkin spice candle, stuff your face into a pile of leaves and get ready to do some fun fall art! Use this time to enjoy and appreciate the changing colours and to create a beautiful yet simple piece of fall artwork.
-watercolour paper
-masking tape
-fine tipped black pen
-flat watercolour brush
1. Get a piece of watercolour paper. This paper measures 9 by 6 inches. Tape down the edges onto your work surface or board. This keeps the paper from curling and will leave you with a nice, clean border when you are done.
2. Rip off a piece of masking tape however long you would like your tree trunk to be. Adhere one end onto your work surface to make it easier to rip keeping you away from a sticky situation. Rip both edges of the masking tape. This will give the tree trunk texture.
3. Place this onto your paper. Continue this for however many trunks you would like. Use the ripped tape scraps for the branches. Make sure the tape is firmly pressed onto your paper to make sure no watercolour seeps underneath later on.
4. Using two or three coloured crayons, scribble or using circular motions, add some colour to parts of the trees for leaves. This technique is called scumbling. Scumbling is a layer or layers of speckled, scratchy, broken colour. It adds depth and colour variation.
5. We are going to use watercolour paint for the background. Using a darker colour like blue will add contrast between the warm colour of the leaves. Using a warm colour like orange or yellow will create a warm atmosphere such as a sunset or sunrise.
Mix up some watercolour, the more the better as you don’t want your paint to dry in between brush strokes. Apply an even layer of paint, going from side to side of the page and continuously going down the paper. Don’t be afraid! The crayon will resist the watercolour. Let it dry.
6. When the watercolour is dry, carefully peel off the masking tape.
7. Using a fine tipped black pen outline the outside of the leaves and tree trunks. Add lines, dashes, and loops on the trunks to create texture.
8. Peel off the tape from the edges and you are done! Appreciate and love the wonderful artwork you have just created!