-plate or circular object to trace
-markers, paint or crayons for colouring
-glue stick or hot glue
-green and yellow paper. You can also colour white paper in these colours!
-glitter, cotton balls (optional)
1. Trace a circle onto cardstock with a pencil. Cut the circle out.
2. Fold the circle in half. Use scissors to cut along the fold. You will end up with 2 half circle shapes.
3. Use markers, crayons, or paint to colour the rainbow! Here I used acrylic paint. Colour both pieces.
4. To make the shamrocks, cut a green piece of paper into a square. Fold it in half and draw a half shamrock shape. Unfold it and you should have a shamrock shape! Continue doing this for as many shamrocks as you’d like.
5. Next cut string or yarn into a few pieces. They can all be the same length or vary in length. Flip one rainbow over and arrange the strings near the bottom. Glue them down. Tape will also work!
6. Glue the second rainbow on top, sandwiching the string in between. If you would like to hang it up later, you can sandwich a shorter piece of string near the top.
7. Glue shamrocks and gold coins onto the strings. For the gold coins, cut yellow paper into circles. If you have glitter, you can decorate the coins with it! Here I used a small bead of hot glue to attach them to the string.
Add any last details like clouds made out of cotton balls. And you’re done!