Painting by Candice Grosenick
-red, blue, yellow, black acrylic paint
-painting surface like canvas or cardboard
-paint pallet, you can use anything like a plate or lid
-flat square brush, small round brush
-water container and rag/paper towel for cleaning
1. Brush a thin layer of water onto the canvas. This will help with blending!
2. Brush on two lines of blue on the top and bottom. Yellow in the middle. And red in between.
3. With a clean, damp brush, blend the colours together using a side to side motion. Clean your brush in between colours.
4. Mix red and blue to make a dark purple. Paint a purple hill near the top.
5. Using black, paint a bigger hill and curves near the bottom. Add a smaller hill behind it.
6. With the tip of a small round brush, paint thin lines for tree trunks. The less pressure you apply, the thinner the line will be. Add dots for rocks.
7. Again with the round brush tip and applying light pressure, make small short lines for the branches and foliage.
8. Continue making trees until you are happy with your painting! Paint in trees in the water for reflections.