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Make your own sound of rain with only a few simple items you can find around your home!
-cardboard tube like a paper towel roll
-markers, paint to colour with
-any decorations like stickers, buttons, etc. (optional)
-plain paper and glue if you are using markers/pencils/crayons
-tin foil
-wax/parchment paper, or any thin paper
-small random beads, rice, beans, sand, dry pasta, etc.
1. Decorate the outside of your cardboard tube. You can paint it or use markers/pencils. If you are using markers/pencils, cut down a piece of plain paper to fit around your tube. Then decorate the paper.
2. Make sure the tube is dry.
Cut out a small square of wax/parchment paper that is a bit bigger than the opening of the tube. Wrap the edges of the square around the opening. Then tape down the edges securely!
3. Tear out a piece of tin foil a little bit longer than your tube. Then roll it up along the long edge. It doesn’t need to be perfect! Once it is rolled up, scrunch and squeeze the foil with your hands. Then wrap it around a pencil/pen to make a spiral shape.
4. Place the tin foil piece inside the tube.
5. Then add a small handful or two of rice, beads, sand, etc. inside.
6. Cut out another small square of wax/parchment paper and tape it on the tube to close up the opening.
7. Finally, glue on your decorated paper and you’re finished!